Forum organizers
Coordinator: Wolfram Liebermeister
BioSys, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Genome to Environment, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment INRAE in Jouy-en-Josas
- An economic network theory of cell metabolism
- Dynamics and function of enzyme regulation
- Projects on metabolic modelling
- Systems biology tools
Martina Dal Bello
The Dal Bello Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Microbial Sciences Institute at Yale
- Nutrient-mediated interactions and community diversity
- Ecological drivers of the distribution of fast and slow growers
- Memory and community response to environmental perturbations
Frank Bruggeman
Systems Biology Lab, Faculty of Science at the VU Amsterdam
- Self-organisation of metabolism
- Maximisation of cellular fitness
- Adaptive phenotypic diversification of isogenic populations of microorganisms
- Physiology of single cells and its relation to population properties
- Theory, software, algorithms and mathematical-modelling methods
- Experimental methods, bacterial physiology, fluorescence microscopy, single-molecule methods
Terry Hwa
Hwa Research Group, Laboratory for Quantitative Microbiology, Department of Physics and Department of Molecular Biology at the UC San Diego
- Bacterial stress response
- Non-growing bacteria
- Characterizing distinct bacterial physio-types
- Interacting microbial communities
Ralf Steuer
AG Statistical Physics of Evolution, Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics at Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences at the University of Leipzig
- Growth and Metabolism of Living Cells
- Understanding Phototrophic Growth
- Cyanobacterial Biotechnology
- Self-Organization of Microbial Communities
- Models of Cancer Metabolism
- Principles of Cellular Signal Transduction
- Large-Scale Data Analysis and Interpretation of Metabolomics Data
Steffen Waldherr
Computational methods for systems biology and biotechnology - Steffen Waldherr group, Molecular Systems Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Vienna
- Dynamic flux balance and resource allocation models
- Bioprocess optimization and control with constraint-based models
- Modelling and estimation of heterogeneous cell populations
- Machine learning for biochemical data and processes
Jürgen Zanghellini
Biochemical Network Analysis: AG Zanghellini, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna
- Computational Biology
- Mathematical modelling in biology
- Systems and synthetical biology
- Analysis of biological networks
- Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) applications in biotechnology